3 Ways Lithium-ion Technology Improves Your Product’s Functionality

Posted February 07, 2016

3 Ways Lithium-ion Technology Improves Your Product’s FunctionalityAs you market your engineered application, it may seem like customers’ needs change every day. Some of your product’s features will soon take a back seat to newer features that are in more demand. It’s up to you to listen to customers’ feedback and anticipate what they want.

But, one quality that will always be valued is functionality.

Your customers demand products that operate at the highest efficiency. They want an application that’s faster and more powerful than competitors’ models. Ideally, your product should run so smoothly that it seems brand new even two years after it was purchased.

One way to improve your product’s functionality without redesigning it is to choose a more effective battery solution. By making the switch to lithium-ion technology, you extend your battery’s life span, increase power efficiency and reduce the risk of battery failure.

The benefits of lithium technology aren’t limited to this short list. In comparison to lead acid batteries, lithium-ion batteries improve your product’s functionality in the following ways:

1. Lithium-ion Batteries Reduce Charging Time

Charging 30 to 50 percent faster than lead acid alternatives, lithium-ion batteries are the more convenient option. Your customers become frustrated if they have to wait hours for their battery to charge before they can use their application. Ensure that your customers have a pleasant experience with your product. A functional product is easy to use, which means charging shouldn’t be a hassle.

2. Lithium Technology Extends Day-To-Day Battery Life

When your application’s battery dies in the middle of an activity, it causes real problems for your customers. For example, how would someone feel if they had to push a golf cart or have it towed all the way back from the 14th hole?

Not only does lithium-ion technology extend battery life between charges, but it also delivers consistent power throughout discharge – so your product doesn’t slow down as the day wears on.

3. Lithium Batteries Improve Speed And Fuel Efficiency

Customers expect their electric vehicles to bring them where they need to go quickly and efficiently. At a much lighter weight, lithium batteries enable applications like golf carts and eBikes to move at higher speeds.

Plus, many gas-powered vehicles that also require a battery use less fuel when you choose lithium. For instance, a lightweight marine lithium battery reduces drag in the water, allowing your customers to power their boat without wasting unnecessary fuel.

Equipping your product with lithium-ion technology is a strategic move that helps you grow your business. Highly functional products are more attractive to retailers, which helps you increase sales. You also benefit from positive customer reviews, word-of-mouth recommendations and repeat business from satisfied customers.

Keep your long-term goals in mind as you consider the right battery solution for your application. While you may be able to get away with using a lead acid battery for now, you’re not doing anything to build your brand reputation or create a better-performing product. That’s going to cost you sales in the future.

You need to position yourself as an industry leader rather than a company that resists change. Your customers’ best interests should be your primary concern. Choosing an efficient, long-lasting battery is the best way to take care of those customers.