Why an Off-Grid RV Duo Decided to Switch to LiFePO4 Batteries

Posted October 17, 2018

Every Road Leads to Home
Two people and their dog on the road to find adventure, simplicity, and home.

A year ago Ransom and Casey from Every Road Leads to Home decided to leave their 9 to 5 lifestyle behind and live full-time in their VW Westfalia van. While fun and exciting, living on the road has a unique set of challenges. The one that can be the most limiting when you're off the grid is power. Many times a day they'd have to monitor their battery usage and worry whether they'd be able to use essential electronics and appliances.


After a year of daily use their lead-acid battery system had deteriorated significantly. This left them with a decision: replace it with another lead-acid battery, or look at alternative technologies to provide the reliable power they needed?

Realizing their lead-acid system would be an ongoing struggle, they decided to install the battery they should have put in from the beginning: a lithium iron phosphate battery. Why did they choose lithium over a less expensive lead-acid battery? Check out their blog post to find out.

Stay tuned for Part 2 detailing the battery build and installation.

Follow ERLH on Instagram @everyroadleadstohome for more on this adventurous duo!