Lithium-ion Golf Cart Batteries Your Customers Need

For many avid players, golf is a lifelong game. Your potential customers may begin at a young age and continue playing golf long after retirement. In terms of your golf cart sales, this means you have the opportunity to build a loyal customer base.

Customers keep coming back to your products when they know you manufacture a high-quality application at the right price. You don’t want to jeopardize your product performance or sales by using a low-quality lead acid battery. Instead, you should encourage customer loyalty by using more efficient lithium-ion batteries.

4 Signs Your Engineered Vehicle Needs More Battery Power

With the help of product reviews and online research, today’s consumers make more informed buying decisions than ever before. You don’t want to compromise your product’s reputation by pairing it with a low-quality battery.

A high level of battery power is essential for increasing your vehicle’s operational time, reducing the frequency of battery charging and minimizing the number of battery units needed to power your application.

How The Inventor Of Lithium-ion Batteries Changed Society

Earlier this month, a trio of scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work on the repair of DNA. While we applaud their ongoing efforts, we are also compelled to think of the deserving John Goodenough, the 93-year-old physicist regarded as the father of the lithium-ion battery.

3 Reasons Using A Lead Acid Battery Hurts Customer Satisfaction

Vehicles and applications that require battery power are expected to run longer, stronger and faster in today’s market. Consumers frequently put too much stress on applications that use lead acid batteries, which often leads to premature battery failure.

Engineers are able to prevent their products’ batteries from failing by installing a healthier battery as the “heart” of an application. Lithium-ion batteries are the smart choice.

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